These guided meditations are for the purpose of lying down, relaxing and gliding effortlessly upon the spoken word into the beauty and majesty of scripture, wherein God’s word can awaken His spirit within you: healing, renewing, strengthening and uplifting, all while you are resting in the Lord – even while sleeping.

So settle back and let me guide you into a deeply relaxed state, where God’s word can come to life; giving encouragement, support, guidance and peace. Ever present, He is ready to fill you with His healing love.

And may my meditation of Him be sweet as I rejoice in the Lord. Ps 104:34 NKJV

And as you relax in God’s word, you can be comforted in the knowledge that He is renewing your mind, building and developing neural connections to support greater resourcefulness and a calm and balanced response to the challenges of life.

And you shall be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Rom 12:2 NIV

And I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart are pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Ps 19:14 NIV

Rivers Of Living Water